Saturday, November 2, 2013

Healthy Eggs.

Eggs of all shapes and Sizes 
Chickens can lay all different sizes and colors of eggs. For instance, my Rhode Island Red lay the darker brown egg pictured in this photo...bottom left. My Wyandotte lays a light cream, Barred Rock lays a nice beige and so do my Buff Orpingtons. and My Ameraucana that I bought specifically for Green / Blue eggs, turned out to be a cross bred and not pure and therefore lays a light tan egg with a white chalky coating. Grrr. My husband and I bought her for the sole purpose of the color of egg and this is what happens. Turns out Hazel-Bail (as we call her) is our most friendly girl and the cutest personality out of the bunch. Nature works in mysterious ways.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A warm welcome home

Hazel, here, is very interested in the camera.

As Always, as soon as I get home from errands, I go out to my beloved coop and check on the girls. And as always, Hazel came running like a T-Rex and pretty much leaped into my arms. Well, she ran and stood at my feet, tilting her head sideways left to right, trying to find a way to fly up to my shoulder where she used to sit as a little baby. So I had to pick her up! She I my cuddle by and my 5 year old daughter's  favorite chicken. She carries her everywhere with her! Like a little baby doll. Hazel doesn't mind one bit. She has always been the one who likes to be held the most. It's funny how their personalities as chicks, carry on into their adult years. Do YOU have a favorite girl that loves to be held?

             Hazel Photo-BOMB                                                                My special girl

Friday, September 13, 2013

Husband and Honey gettin' a snack.

What? Your husband doesn't carry broody chickens into the house? Oh, well. Umm. Ya he claims to not care about our animals, but he's a big fat liar. Lol. The girls are his friends. He talks to them all the time, holds them, nurses them back to health and brings them inside to have 1:1 time. Especially when they go broody. He feels bad that they won't be hatching babies. Well that's my guess. He's a keeper for sure. Looks like they decided on a nectarine and lettuce scraps!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

My almost 30 birthday list.

So whay does a 29 year old yearn for for her birthday you ponder? Well I happen to know that answer:
1) Blue Vintage Ball mason jars
2) Any Mason jars
3) Sushi Making Kit
4) Large crochet hooks
5) Gift card to Ulta Cosmetics ( next to Old Navy)
6) Gift Card to Half Price Books/Sally Beauty supply

So there you have it.
And yes, yes you will be asking for kitchen supplies as you age. Trust me!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Like Mother Like Daughter

This is my daughter Arayli and me in our chicken yard. She is holding Hazel and I have Buffy. Hazel is the sweetest thing...she was the one who got bit by our dog and spent two weeks cuddling with us in bed at night! She loves cuddling and cleaning her sisters and eating melons. Buffy just loves food. Period. End of story. She can hear you coming a mile away and always thinks your bringing her treats. Chickens are my favorite pet.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My naughty garden!

So. If y'all know me than you know my wicked and dirty sense of humor. Well, my garden knows me all too well. I pulled my carrotts this afternoon and this little guy caught my eye. Looks like a man! Legs and penis. Lol hilarious!! Smile  lifes too short to follow ALL of the rules! Get dirty! Curse! And fall in LUST!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Two New Egg Layers in One Day!

(Left to Right: Buffy, Hazel and Franchesca)
So today we noticed all kinds of commotion going on in the chicken yard. Buffy was pacing back and forth making all kinds of noise. Our little Bella-Boo was in the nesting box for the first time! Her mouth was open, almost panting, and I knew she was going to lay her first egg! I ran up to the house to get the kids. Before they could even get run back down to the coop Bella had pushed it out. She pushed and pulled the egg around the bottom of the box before deciding to lay down NEXT to her egg...instead of on it. LOL Silly girl.
An hour or so had passed and I heard another set of clucking from watchdog Buffy. Low and behold! HAZEL was sitting in the nesting box, mouth open and trying to lay her first egg also! Two new layers in one day...and these two are best-buddies so it was cute to see both of their first eggs on the same day. It took Hazel over an hour to lay it. WTH??? IT wasn't greenish blue! It was light brown with white specks. Why did she lay that color? She is an Americauna mix. Should lay "Easter" eggs. Interesting. It was teeny tiny and perfect. Now we have 5/6 of our girls laying eggs. One freeloader left. Little Miss Lucy-Lou our Silver Laced Wyandotte.